

Friday, September 9, 2011

More on Waiting

As I have mentioned before I am reading a terrific book called "Broken Down House...Living Productively in a World Gone Bad" by Paul David Tripp. I am about four more pages further than I was the last time I posted about it. I have been using it, as part of my devotions, there is so much of it I want to meditate on. I am still on the chapter about learning to wait, that should tell you something about my life. This section spoke volumes to me and is something I am really trying to look at honestly.

"Has your waiting produced in you a faith that is stronger or weaker? Has the manner of your waiting drawn you closer to God or further away? Has your approach to waiting helped remind you of all the blessings you have been showered with? Or has it tempted you to continually rehearse your list of unmet needs? Has your waiting served to teach you truths about yourself? Or has it made you more blind about yourself and angry about your circumstances? Has the way you wait enabled you to reach out and minister to others better, or has it simply drawn you deeper into the claustrophobic drama of your own waiting?
In each case, it's your choice. Take hold of the grace that God makes available. All of these outcomes are contingent on whether you chose God or self, fruitfulness or futility, his powerful grace or your feeble will. Always remember God is never separate from your wait"

Teach me your way, oh Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you O Lord my God with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths of the grave  Psalm 86:11-13


Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

God is teaching me to wait also...so the two days a week when everyone is gone has become that special time...right now I don't like what is coming to the top, but I am praying that as it comes up I can believe Him to take it away
Blessings on your waiting and thanks for sharing what you are learning

Sandy said...

It sounds like a good book. Thanks
for telling us what you're learning
from it. Waiting is very hard to me,
always has been. Most times I do feel
closer to the Lord as I endure waiting
and learn a lot. Other times it's just
plain old hard and I feel distant. I
am so grateful He never leaves my side
even though I may feel He has.

Petra said...

Waiting is very hard, very hard by God's design. Waiting draws us closer to Him, and much closer to Him (rather than that which is at the end of our wait)is where He wants us to be. I'm learning this waiting. And, much like Janette, I don't like what's coming up. Blessings!

Debbie said...

I am in a huge waiting period right now, and I won't pretend that I haven't struggled because of it. I stumble... I call out to God... and He meets me there to lift me up and refocus my eyes.

I am so glad that this impatient child serves such a patient God who wants so desperately to pass the patience down to me.

Trisha said...

Thank you so much for sharing this, Maryann. Sigh...I think I must get this book. :)

What's encouraging is that while I'm in a season of waiting, I can see some growth, by the grace of God. I still have so far to go, but how differently I'm responding now than I would have even five years ago. God is gracious and so kind!

Thank you again for these good words today, my friend!