

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Letting The Dust Settle

I think my body is still trying to figure out where it wants to settle, still adjusting from the many med changes in recent weeks. No new changes today, I think my physician wants the dust to settle a bit, it can take weeks for your body to adjust to being off a Beta Blocker. My blood pressure is holding its own...not stellar,  but not bad. I have instructions on what to do if if gets high, so I am not left to my own devices. I think it is a good plan...and my physician is just a phone call away if needed

All this has disrupted any household routine, and I am trying to be okay with this, but the truth is I am not. I want my body to hurry up and figure out what it wants to do....settle already....I have things to do. Truly my times are in his hands...and I know he has a purpose and a plan...it's a truth I hold tight to

When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place.  Psalm 118:5

He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me  Psalm 18:19

When I think of a spacious place I think hillside, meadow, pasture, rest, freedom. Perhaps for me this time of "settling" is a time of freedom from routine, a time to lie down in that spacious place and rest in him. Perhaps he will let me do both....have the ability to do the things I need to do and to let go of the things I don't and using that opportunity instead to rest in him. Praying for wisdom that I would know the difference between the need to be done...and can wait.


NanaNor's said...

Hi Maryann, I must have missed reading what has been happening with your health and getting off your beta blocker. I've been on one now for 10 yrs., a long story but don't think I'll ever get off of it. I hope your body adjusts easily and quickly. I love your assurance of His holding you in His hands. Such rest knowing that. Blessings to you today.

Sandy said...

Maryann, I pray you will soon adjust to all the changes. I have a favorite Bible teacher that I love to watch, Andrew Wommack. Perhaps you'd enjoy him. He has a healing ministry and has been such a help to our family with his teachings. He is so calm and reassuring. You can just google him if you decide you want to watch. I watch his Healing School archives every evening.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

praying for you , dear Maryann!

Creations By Cindy said...

Thinking of you today and praying for your health and your spirit.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy