

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

This New Season

Fall weather has officially arrived in our neck of the woods. The air conditioning is off and the windows are open. I am not a cold weather type of person but the cooler air has been refreshing and the house smells wonderful. Cooler weather means we are doing more baking and cooking, adding to the wonderful smells in the house.

Routine days are back and I am enjoying the ordinariness of it all. I have picked up where I left off last spring, in cleaning out the upstairs bedrooms and have been puttering out in the garden. The cooler weather has helped those little plants that don't like the heat find new life and though not as showy as in the spring, the roses are blooming again..

We hear regularly from our "Great Plains Family". They may be getting Internet soon, so we will be able to Sykpe, I can't wait to "see" and talk to them at the same time.

We continue to get our weekly CSA basket and have enjoyed cooking with some of the delicious fall vegetables that we have been getting. One of my favorites has been acorn squash baked with butter and brown sugar, I feel like I'm eating dessert for dinner....I've never liked acorn squash in the past, so have not bought them in years...do you think my change of heart might have something to do with the butter and brown sugar?

Change has always been a challenge for me, I just don't like it,  and the older I get the more I tend to resist it. The last several months have been full of change, keeping me out of my comfort zone....a good thing. I remember back in August when it looked like we might have to look for a new Care Group, I dreaded it, I wanted things to remain the same.

Then it occurred to me a couple of weeks ago, that our even though our Care Group stayed intact, it was going to look different, it wasn't going to stay the same.  First, my husband is leading it, it's now in our home, and I have certain responsibilities that I did not have before. ( change) Second, two couples will be moving out of the area within the next couple of months. (change) Third, other couples have shown interest in being part of the group. (change) So by the time it's all said and done this group will not look anything like the group we were in...and that's okay.

When the Lord wants to make a change in your life, he doesn't really need our cooperation. His purposes will not be thwarted

"I know you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted"  Job 42:2

I have a wheelbarrow full of cell packs of pansies just waiting to be planted.I have some flowers that have been in those cell packs so long that their roots have grown and gotten tangled with the other flowers in the cell pack. I could leave the flowers in those packs and water them and they would probably do okay for awhile but they wouldn't grow. No, this week I will be pulling those flowers out of those little packs, in some cases ripping their roots a little and replanting them in places that they will grow and flourish.

I've been feeling like one of those pansies, with the Lord as my gardener. I would have happily stayed in one of those cell packs, but it was time for me to be planted. I am still going through a bit of "transplantation shock" but I am beginning to develop roots in my new "home" and as always, I am keeping my eye on the prize

But one thing I do; Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus  Philippians  3:13b-14


Debbie said...

You had some good thoughts and great analogy's here! I never have done change well either. But I have found the older I grow, the less I resist. Maybe all those years of struggling against have finally taught me there is really NO point. God's in control. Enjoy your week!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, Mary Ann, what "rich" thoughts that apply to everyone of us. I go kicking and screaming at times due to change. But, the Lord has taught me so, so much through the various changes and for that, I am so grateful.

Hoping your long distance kiddos get internet soon and you can see all those sweet faces.

Thanks for blessing my heart this morning!

living from glory to glory said...

Hello, You are so right about even when we think things are not completely changing, they are. I enjoyed thinking of you planting those plants, as we always have to be torn away to be replanted or we can get stunted and stop growing. I do hear your heart!!
Wish we could have a cup of coffee and something right out of the oven and just visit.
Yours, Roxy

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Change, even change we've longed for, almost always involves some discomfort and adjustment ... but in the long run, there's always growth. I frequently need to be reminded of that, so thanks for sharing.