

Monday, July 15, 2013

Farewell But Not Goodbye

Saying goodbye has always been hard for me, it feels so permanent, final, so today instead of saying goodbye to our good friends we said farewell. Our friendship started with a camping trip over seventeen years ago and deepened through the years as we experienced life together. So many memories...fun times that included several camping trips, day trips to Mount Vernon, weekends at Williamsburg, the cottage in the Shenandoah and a Lake House in Northern Virginia.

Most of the time we would just hang out at each other's home....theirs in the Northern part of the state ours in the South....we live about four hours away from each other. We met while our children were going to school together....they moved North shortly after our friendship started. We don't get to see each other often but are always able to pick up where we left off from the last time we visited

They have served our family so many times during the last many years. Most of the time by just being available. They have been surrogate parents to our two son's and have watched them grow up to be men. Now they are a another set of grandparents to my grandchildren...you can never have too many of those!!!

There is so much history, they have cried with us, encouraged us during the hard times. Laughed with us, and celebrated with us during marriages, graduations and births. They have seen the good the bad and the real ugly in our lives and still call us friends. We share a common bond....redeemed sinners, saved by grace, so you see we are not just friends but brother's and sister's in the Lord...we are family

So what is about to change, well they are moving, and you would think the way I am going on that they were moving to another country or at least another time zone....not the case but they are moving pretty far away, and it will take more than just a weekend to visit them....sigh...so my heart is a little heavy and there were more than a few tears when we said farewell today

These photos are from various excursions through the years. The one with us dressed all fancy was taken at my son's wedding...they were all giving the "victory" sign, I was of course clueless as to what was going on...good times

Were able to watch son perform a couple of weekends ago, they of course opened up their home to us even though there was painters all over the place. Will miss you guys!


Debbie said...

To have such good friends is truly one of life's very best blessings. They and family are truly what life's all about. Sorry to hear that they are moving, but hey now you'll have a place to go and stay for a week or more. HUGS

Vee said...

So glad that you'll be participating again in the Note Card Party.

Oh good friends are some of life's greatest joys. Hope that their move only means new adventures and a little extra planning!

Debbie said...

I'm so glad you explained the "V" because I was trying to figure it out. I was positive they weren't pointing at your belly with 2 fingers for twins, but I didn't know. LOL

I know you'll miss them. We lost our very favorite friends to spend time with to the state of Texas about a decade ago. I still miss them all the time.

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, I've been on both sides of this-first when good friends moved cross country years ago and then when we left our home state 6 yrs ago-leaving behind some best friends to move to Colorado. Thankfully, we still see them every six month, travel together and love spending time with them. I know your relationship will change with the distance but you'll make it work!
Hugs, Noreen

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

What a blessing to have such good friends! Hopefully you will be able to work out many more fun times together.