

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hard Truths

"Is not some of the pain and sorrow in this life used in God's providential hand to make us homesick for heaven, to detach us from this world, to prepare us for heaven, to draw our attention to himself, and away from the world of merely physical things"  D.A. Carson  "How Long, O Lord"

This little quote has been stirring around in my head for a couple of days now, I think it is a true statement, although I also think these can be hard words when someone is in the midst of pain, when their heart is aching

I would much prefer to travel the easy road, one without ditches and potholes and please smooth out all the little bumps. That has not been my life, do you know many who can claim it has been theirs? I have seen the value in traveling the bumpy road, faith has been strengthened, lots of refining done, with more to come I am sure. Besides that harder road can be a bit more scenic, I have been able to take notice of things I would have missed.

I  believe that God uses all things for his purposes and maybe sometimes it's just to draw our attention to him.

We are coming up on the anniversary of the death of my brother in law, he died on Easter Sunday three years ago, a young man, no warning. I think that is why my thoughts are where they are today. Thinking about this event and the effect it has had on different family members

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom  Psalm 90:12


Debbie said...

What you have written here has really touched me and me think. It is just soo true. The road is OFTEN TIMES hard, long, and bumpy (and maybe even uphill to finish it off, haha) but it is the road to be on. The truths we have managed to learn along the way. I am sorry to hear about your bil. How hard that must have been. It always is when someone young dies un-expectantly. Your right though, that's why we must all be ready. Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!

camp and cottage living said...

Thank you for your thought provoking post today Maryann.
I know I sure hate to be in the midst of a painful experience or worse to watch a loved one suffering through one. But how would we ever know how to sympathize, help, or encourage another if we ourselves have never suffered pain and hurts ourselves?
Yes, God is all wise.

Petra said...

Bittersweet quote but one so true! May God comfort your heart exceedingly and bring peace to all who are marked by your bil's passing. This is not our home - Christ's resurrection does point elsewhere - maybe not to smooth out all the bumps but to bring us greatest hope. Blessings!

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

This hit very close to home as I go back and forth to the hospital with my Dad and they don't know what is wrong, yet he possesses a peace that when the Lord calls him home no man can keep him here, not even modern medicine. I am watching my father who has struggled for 10 years, who can't hear any more...still look at his first born, me...and say, we just need to pray more...He answers prayers!
I know my father knows that heaven is his home.

Camille said...

Beautiful post my friend. How true it is...there are many bumps along the way, but the LORD is with us each step leading us so gently along. What a blessing it is to belong to HIM! Sorry that you have such a sad memory attached to Easter...may the LORD give much grace to you and your family as you remember your brother-in-law. Our Precious Saviour is Risen...our home is with Him!

Many Blessings to you!

NanaNor's said...

Dear Maryann, Such a timely post-I loved all the comments and can't find much to add. I do know that the bumpy path has kept me on my knees more often and clinging to the only One who can give true peace and meaning to this life. May His peace comfort you all when remembering the loss of your bil.
May His grace carry his loved ones.
May the Resurrection Power transcend your lives this weekend.
Hugs, Noreen