When our Pastor made this statement during the sermon yesterday, it made me stop and think. I made a big flashy star in my journal next to the statement and pondered it all day.
What was it about that statement that resonated in my heart? Well just 20 minutes prior I had watched two little children run up to a friend of mine and hug her around the neck, obviously excited to see her. They were her grandchildren and I knew she spent time with them several times a week, I wanted that too.
Now I'm not saying it's wrong to want something, but I know in my own heart, there has been a lack of satisfaction in the situation the Lord has placed me in, the "boundary lines" he has provided for me.
By longing for what I do not have I am missing what I have been given. I continue to look back on the road I have traveled, longing for once was, instead looking forward to the journey he has me on today, and missing, in the process, the things he has for me now.
Praying that the Lord will help me embrace the "portion" he has for me today and the "boundary lines" he has given me.
The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup, you hold my lot. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, indeed I have a beautiful inheritance Psalm 16:5-6