I never thought we looked alike...after all I am so much taller...but as time goes by I am realizing I am just a taller version of her.
We are different in so many ways....and in many ways the same. I can't tell you how often I will make a comment to someone...and it's like I hear my mother talking....it's happening everyday...it's funny and scary at the same time! Even some of our mannerisms are the same.
I am okay with all of this...really! In the past a comment from someone saying I was just like my mom would ruffle my feathers....but how can I deny it when I continue to hear her in me everyday.
My mom is almost eighty one, been married to my dad almost fifty eight years. She is fiercely independent, still works, drives and belongs to a singing group that "tours" the local nursing homes where she lives. She's my mom and I love her....and I am becoming more and more like her everyday.