My *Dance Card* is pretty full. Sweet Lady is out of Rehab and adjusting to being back at her place. We spent several days last week making the rounds with all her physicians and out patient physical therapy will be starting next week. I was a little overwhelmed when I heard she was going to have to go out for therapy but then I had an unsolicited offer to get her to therapy any time I needed help. That was such a provision from the Lord and an offer I will probably accept. She is doing really well back in her home and it makes me smile to see her sitting in her favorite chair in the lobby when I walk in.
We decided with all this going on, it would be a nice to time to remodel our downstairs bathroom. Don't even ask me what we were thinking....really what were we thinking! We are at a point of no return though, the commode has been removed. This is a project that's going to have to get finished in a timely manner, walking up steps for the bathroom is a little inconvenient. On a positive note, we are getting that extra exercise we talked about getting after the holidays. Again, I ask, what were we thinking??!!
Our emotions have been all over the place following my husband's mom's death, it has surprised us. We went through the viewing and funeral with little emotion, we took care of the initial business and then went immediately home. Once home, and after things started to settle a bit, the reality and finality of it all hit us. We are still wading through those waters, and I think will be there a long time as we continue to resolve things that need to be settled.
We have been blown away by the care we have received from the body of Christ. Several times in the last week, it came in the form of that shoulder I needed to cry on or that nugget of truth I needed to be reminded of. I've learned how valuable a silent hug can be and how words are not always necessary.
I love the Psalms and one that is a favorite of mine is Psalm 16, Verses 5-8 state
"Lord you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken" (italics, mine)
Like I said before we are still wading through some uncertain waters but remembering he is at our right hand while we wade through it, so we will not be shaken.