on their need and my ability/willingness to work, it may be a little, it may be none at all
I started taking things home because I didn't want things to feel permanent and it was a way for me to continue to let go. A couple of my coworkers started sizing up my cubicle when they heard they news, I have to tell you my thought was... Really, could you wait until I'm gone! This is still my cubicle....mine! Doesn't matter that I didn't say it...it is after all an issue of the heart. The more they "surveyed" the more annoyed I got
I stewed about this for a couple of days until the Lord got a hold of my heart. I was reminded that we are borrowers, renters, caretakers.... He owns it all. Part of the process of letting this job go was letting it all go, even my little "space" (which wasn't really mine) This applies to so many other areas of my life, things I cling onto but the Lord is kind enough to show me just one thing at a time. Right now it's all about this job. I know I am to hold it loosely, and to be willingly to walk away as the Lord directs.
After a little heart work with the Lord, I did go to my boss and offer up my cubicle late last week, I said I would work in whatever empty desk was avaliable when I came in, I then made arrangements with two of my friends that were part timers to share their space whenever they were off...after that I started taking things home....it has been absolutely freeing! You may be thinking...all this because of a cubicle.... God can use just about anything to do the refining that needs ot be done in our lives...the last two weeks he used a cubicle in mine