

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Back To "Normal"

Even though last Monday may have been the official start of the first week of the New Year, this week felt like it for us. As of this past Sunday we officially have an empty house again and schedules are back to normal, with our son heading back to school. There will be no more homemade donuts in the house for awhile, which is probably a good thing, no more sounds from the french horn being practiced in our back room and no more games of Catan with him. (which he seemed to win each time we played) We'll be practicing for the next time he comes to visit.

Bible Study has started back up as has Care Groups. I've enjoyed getting back into the swing of things again. This year we discovered Bible Study Fellowship, it's a global group, and have been studying Revelation. What has worked well for us is my husband's meetings are on the same evening as mine. (different meeting place) We are both out of the house at the same time studying the same thing, which makes for good discussions as we're working on homework. It has been such a blessing. Because it's not being held at our church it has given us the opportunity to meet other believers who just want to study God's word....more opportunities for iron to sharpen iron.

Sweet Lady still in Rehab, but that's going to change soon, we now have a discharge date for next week. I have some apprehensions,  but I am trusting that the Lord will help us handle whatever the future may hold. 

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3

One of my favorite verses and one to remember when anxiety threatens to creep in.


Creations By Cindy said...

Well, I wish I had one of those yummy donuts right now with my coffee. I need your recipe please mam as I use regular can biscuits. Glad the Bible Study is going good thus far. We just kicked off last week with a new study for our ladies and I am really looking forward to digging into it. Have a great day sweet lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Debbie said...

It always takes some readjusting for me too after the holidays or my kids have been to stay for a while. Everything always seems soo quiet. Those donuts sure look delicious. Glad you found yourself a good study. We just started back up our women's study last night. I am really going to love it I think. Have a good week!

Camille said...

Getting back to regular routine is good...but, bittersweet as well. I am sure you thoroughly enjoyed hearing that french horn and those doughnuts....and even the games of Catan! :) I am praying for you as you transition your sister-in-love to her home...just one day at a time...the Lord is faithful!! It's wonderful that you and your hubby are both studying the same things...what a blessing that you can discuss as you work on your homework. I know that there is a lot of it with BSF! Hugs to you my friend. Love, Camille

Farming On Faith said...

The donuts look amazing.

Thank you for your sweet words today on my blog.

The normal is nice but it takes time to get use to the quiet. May your New Year be blessed!

living from glory to glory said...

Hello, I agree too many donuts might not be so good; o)
Yes, finally getting back into the swing of a routine is always calming!
Your Bible study does sound really good...
Have a good week, hope all will work out with your dear friend!
Hugs, Roxy

Urszula inspired by flowers said...

I and my two kids love donuts !! Wish to have one now :)

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

Amen on the verse. The donuts remind me of my mom and her making fresh donuts. Yes, back to the routine...a mixed blessing.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What delicious looking donuts. I have several friends in BSF and they are enjoying the Revelation study. Hoping all is going well for Sweet Lady.