

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

January Moments

After starting out the month visiting with the musician, January was a month that we spent mostly indoors and at home.

It was a month we spent cleaning up and clearing out, there is still more to do but since we still have another six weeks of winter I'm sure I will be able to get to more of the indoor jobs before the weather breaks. We did get a "little" snow,  this month, just enough to barely cover the grass. (snow gets a lot of excitement here, to listen to the weather people you would have thought we were under blizzard conditions...lol) The snowman in the photo is actually only 12 inches tall (photo courtesy of a friend who's three children made him)

I stayed busy working on photo books and calendars and finding new recipes using the items in our CSA basket. I learned how to use Pinterest, thanks to my DIL's sister. I know I'm a bit behind on this one but I never really saw the need to get pulled into one more thing, but I love it, and have gotten so many ideas for recipes etc. I have also discovered it can be a "big black hole" that you can get lost in, so I have found moderation is needed at times.

We were able to attend a cooking demonstration put on by the ladies from our CSA. It was a lot of fun watching these two daughters and mom interact with each other and I got a lot of new recipe ideas using the winter vegetables that I have been in our basket.

My teeth have grabbed a fair amount of my attention this month but I can report I am definitely on the mend, step two of this process will be in June.

Speaking of June, did I mention my grandchildren and DIL will be visiting in June, we can hardly wait. Until then we continue to *face time* and talk on the phone, counting down the time before the visit. During our first call in January my DIL said they were singing the *5 month countdown song*

A quiet January is behind us and now we are one more month closer to spring. What was your January like? Are you a winter person?


Debbie said...

We have some projects lined up for around here...some painting and cleaning things out. We usually do those kind of things in spring though. Soo much needs to be gone through and eliminated. How exciting! A visit in June. Do I ever know how you feel. I love that they are singing a count down song. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What a fun January, as they say, busy hands are happy hands. So glad you will get to see your kiddos in June. It will be here before you know it. Happy rest of the week!

Cheryl said...

You have had a productive January! And --oh my!-- I know you are counting the days until that visit in June!

You are a good photographer, Maryanne. My eye is drawn to the window curtain with beaded trim, the stained glass window, and your clever selfie. :)

Pam said...

Love the slippers; so cute. Enjoyed hearing all of your updates. Your cleaning and clearing out spree is inspiring. Our January has been different than what has been the norm for us in previous years, and we are still adapting and adjusting, knowing that we are in this house temporarily, keeps me from settling in completely, and always on the look out for our new home and final situation. We are loving the sunny weather (although it has actually been colder here in Florida than in Colorado on some days). Love the fresh fruits an vegetables we can get here in Winter. Have a great February.
Blessings, Pam