

Monday, December 6, 2010

Walking with the Lord

This seems kind of random but I heard a sermon today about walking with the Lord. I don't even remember who the preacher was but he was saying if you are walking you are making forward progress, you are going somewhere. So if you are walking with the Lord you should be making forward progress. I never really thought of it that way but I like the description. I don't want to be stuck, stagnant, my spiritual life not going anywhere. I have been blessed the last several weeks, illness has a way of keeping you close to the Lord, has a tendency to drown out distractions. Brings home what is really important, what is lasting. Makes you think more about eternal things. Helpful for forward progression. I am in a reflective mood tonight, remembering all the Lord has done during my illness...there has been good along with the difficult....I am so thankful. I read something today that really rung true in my own experience; 

"When we embrace our hardships we will find ourselves rejoicing in the parts that are good" from When Life is Hard by James McDonald

I am going back to work in the morning....my eye is responding to the latest antibiotic....so even though corneal ulcer is no better at least we are headed in the right direction. (another appointment on Thursday to check progress) I have been blessed with wonderful caring doctors, I have three that have been following me with the eye problem. One that has been calling me at home to see what the progress was, and how I was doing.....just amazing. Again the Lord reminding me to see the blessings in the trials. Forward progression!

"Draw near to God and he will draw near to you"  James 4:7

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