

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

New Years...a time for fresh starts..new calendars....empty day planners...resolutions for some...I stopped years ago, I usually broke whatever resolution I had made before the month was up.We spent the day putting Christmas decorations away, taking down the tree. I get the need to declutter this time of year. I open cupboards and drawers and just see stuff that needs to go. This year in particular  is bad because so much has been neglected the last several months. Like most, we are praying for a good year, have already made some plans, set some goals and Lord willing we will be able to full fill them. Lessons learned last year....never let anything go unsaid or undone.... like telling someone you love them or apologizing quickly... Make the most of every opportunity God gives.....you never know if you will have another.... don't take anything for granted....life can change in a moments notice and it can end without warning. Our family knows this all too well... So for this year.... I would like to continue to practice the lessons I have learned from last year.

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom"  Psalm 90:12

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